Staying Connected During the Holidays

The holiday season can bring your family together, but it’s often when people, especially seniors, feel especially isolated. The U.S. Census estimates 27% of people over 65 live alone. Between the hustle and bustle of the season and increasingly hostile weather, it can be easy to slip into a habit of solitude. For older people, this can be especially dangerous. The CDC recognizes studies that found loneliness can have an intense negative impact on the health of older adults, including higher rates of dementia, mental health issues, and severe outcomes for preexisting conditions. Here’s how seniors can stay connected this holiday season:

Prioritize Meaningful Conversation

Making a habit of picking up the phone and calling a loved one regularly can be a great first step to combating loneliness. Scheduling a weekly phone call with a friend or family member for a time they regularly have free can help ensure consistency. Taking it one step further and making an effort to have meaningful conversations can help create lasting connections with the people around you. Sharing memories, interests, recipes, and even playing a game are fun ways to build worthwhile relationships with the people around you.

Join a Group

Meeting new people can be difficult, especially if you’re already feeling isolated. Volunteer groups, hobby classes, or special interest groups can provide you with a shared interest to alleviate the pressure of starting something new. Additionally, having a regular social meeting on your calendar makes it easier to get out and prioritize socialization.

Make Plans for Holiday Activities

Inviting family or friends over to decorate a tree, make your favorite holiday cookie recipe, or wrap presents can turn your to-do list into a fun, social activity! Spending time with your loved ones while doing things that may feel mundane is an opportunity to capitalize on that holiday cheer and make sure you’re staying connected.

If you’re feeling isolated, it may be time to look into Eddy Senior Living. Each of our communities has a calendar packed with activities for all interests that prioritize our residents’ mental and physical health like work out classes, holiday gatherings, group outings, and more. Senior Living aids in the battle against isolation by encouraging gathering amongst residents through activities that help you connect with your neighbors and the team that works in your community.

Schedule a visit today and see how living in an Eddy community could benefit you!